Lass die schönsten Anteile in dir kräftiger werden und
führe ein liebeserfülltes Leben
Bei mir findest du...
- Yoga- und Atemkurse, die Dich täglich in deine Kraft, Ausrichtung und dein Herz bringen.
- Events für Singles, um achtsame wache Leute zu treffen und die Liebe deines Lebens zu finden.
- die Möglichkeit dich allein oder als Paar von mir begleiten zu lassen, um Kommunikationsskills und Präsenz zu vertiefen, damit Eure Liebe bleibt und tiefer werden kann.
Ich freue mich sehr auf Euch !
Schön, dass du da bist!
Es macht mich glücklich, meine Freude an persönlicher Entwicklung und Selbstermächtigung mit meiner langjährigen Yoga-Erfahrung und Präsenzarbeit zu verbinden.
Ich biete dir Erfahrungen an, um deinen Körper, deinen Geist und dein Herz in Einklang bringen, damit du mehr Liebe verkörpern kannst. Erlaube deiner inneren Führung, die Zügel zu übernehmen und liebevoller, gesünder und freudvoller zu werden. Und stabile, nährende Verbindungen in dein Leben zu ziehen.
Single Treffen, Yogakurse, Frauenkriese in Zürich, Schweiz.
Online-Sitzungen auch möglich.
Deutsch, Englisch & Spanisch
Was brauchst du
- um ganz bei dir zu sein und dort zu bleiben?
- um dich wahrzunehmen und zu fühlen und das kommunizieren zu können?
- eine gute, liebevolle Beziehung zu dir selbst und zu deinem Körper zu haben?
- mehr Energie, Freude, Ekstase und Liebe im Leben zu haben?
- neue Strukturen für ein Leben zu schaffen, das dich auf allen Ebenen unterstützt und Gesundheit bringt?
- um bessere Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und eine tiefere Verbindung zu deinem Partner, deiner Familie und deinen Freunden zu haben und einen tief befriedigenden intimen Austausch mit anderen zu erleben?
- um entspannten, tief befriedigenden und lebendigen Sex zu haben?
- um mit deinem inneren Funken verbunden zu sein und ein erfülltes Leben zu haben?
Wie wir arbeiten
Lerne, mehr zu fühlen, präsenter zu sein und deine Lebenskraft in den Fluss zu bringen. In meinen Sitzungen übst du stets präsent zu sein, mit allem was ist. Mit einfachen Techniken der Selbstregulation lernst du sicher in Verbindung zu gehen.
Bist Du bereit für ein volles Ja,
für dein Leben & deine Liebe?
Ein 20-30 minütiger, kostenloser Anruf hilft dir darüber klar zu werden, wo du stehst, was du willst und wie du in die Manifestation deiner Träume kommst
Martina - Embodied Coachingsession
"For me it just felt like my inner man and my inner woman are getting married, it is such a gift. I am so excited about what is still unfolding through this working and being. And I find it so beautiful to have met my father at eye level in my dream, and to have said all that I have wanted to say for a long time. I woke up with a feeling of expansion, contentment and love, and love for myself."
S. (Woman) - Embodied Coachingsession
"Just yesterday I was able to enjoy a session with Barblin.
I was able to stretch out and show myself, to receive the healing that is just and naturally coming up, without pressure. Gentle and powerful at the same time.
Barblin accompanied me with her wonderful clear perception, and despite the pain and heaviness that sometimes came up, stood by me with ease and humility.
It was and still feels wonderful. I was able to reconnect with a part of myself and FEEL... pure wonderful LOVE and especially love for myself.
With all my heart, I recommend you dear sister to have a session with Barblin to FEEL the pleasure and love in your whole body tingling and pure."
Helge Z. - Coaching
"I highly recommend Barblins work to other to men, as through her strong femininity and her understanding of the male and female energies, men get better into their male energy. They will find their true male self. She can guide that very well with her femininity.
I have been seen by her, she has felt or seen my energy. I were in good hands with her, she really saw what the particular concerns were and then she has given allowance to what needed to happen. It has brought me to the next level, as she took me at my hand in certain areas to make my blind spots visible and transform then. When I tune into the work with her, it feels very warm to me and high on a vibratory level."
J.M. - Sexual Energy Work
"A lot has changed for me" - All in all, I have become clearer but also more sensitive to my surroundings and have found a deeper connection to natural, real sexuality.
I learned to let the energy spread and build up without suppressing it. It's amazing how awareness changes and expands through a different way of dealing with sexual energy. As a man you get a real “creative power” and the motivation to make a difference. Women definitely feel it very clearly, haha!"
Claude S. - Coaching
"The deepest realization for me was: "Hey, it is even easier than I thought" and a second was how much abuse had occurred in my own life, that I could not even notice. Only in and after the sessions. And much of it, maybe not all at once, could dissolve again with ease.
One of my great outtakes was that I need less sleep overall and have more energy. Before that, I was rather tired.
I realize how important it is to get in touch with me and my physical body even more.
I recommend this work to my friends, because I saw you as a very sensitive person. You didn't talk nicely, you took the topics seriously and tackled these matters with me. In addition, I went home and on the one hand had some cool tools at hand, on the other hand I was also highly motivated to work on my own in the way that you passed it on to me.
I experienced you as a very sensitive, but also relaxed person. You simply showed yourself as yourself, not an imposed professionalism or "I am the coach, you are the client", but quite simply and naturally. And that gave me immediate confidence in you and your work. You made it easy for me to open up. You were fully involved with your heart."
Philip W. - Sexual Clearing
"Looking back at our Sexual Clearing Session, I have only wonderful memories of an experience that is difficult to describe on a cognitive level. Since I was lying on your massage bed with my eyes closed, I don't know exactly what you did. However, I could feel very well how you put me into different emotional states with your magical hands and how old energy blockages in my body were released. It was an incredibly beautiful and very transcendental experience for me. I am very grateful to you for that.
Through this work, a part of myself has opened up again and has become more peaceful, specially those blockages related to the separation with my ex-wife."
F.S. - Coaching
"A Swedish athlete I have known for years spoke to me today at the competition. He asked me what was going through my head all the time. He said that my charisma is so positive and full of love, he also said that I always laugh. I then told him that I've been working on my inner self for some time now. I am incredibly grateful for everything you've taught me so far!
I wanted to share this experience with you because it really touched me."
Andrzej S. - Coaching
"I became much more peaceful and softer through our mutual work. I moved to a whole new level of intimacy with my partner.
I realized how traumas and the discovery of a lost twin have been interfering in my relationships strongly until now.
Just by saying yes to the whole process much started to move and I was really able to bring and shake stuff up and let it go. Accepting help was a important factor in the whole healing process.
Also the sexual clearing session was a highlight, as it was very transformative and healing. After that I had so much peace and deep feelings of happiness in me.
I found Barblin to be very empathetic and caring and also very intuitive."